Human rights as we know them are a reflection of certain fundamental universal notions, which provide a set of global benchmarks for how humanity should conduct itself. The principle of the universality of human rights is the cornerstone of international human rights law. This principle, as first emphasized in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights in 1948, has been reiterated in numerous international human rights conventions, declarations, and resolutions.
Lawyers are responsible for safeguarding these fundamental rights around the world. The Rule of Law, meanwhile, should form the basis for any open society. But promoting and encouraging respect for human rights requires knowledge and skills. We believe it is essential for all lawyers to try and acquire these skills and integrate human rights norms into their daily practice, both inside and out of court.
Hence the reason for this toolkit, which aims to help Iranian lawyers strengthen their ability to advocate for human rights. As well as containing a rough outline of the basics of human rights law and the vital role of lawyers, we hope this kit will help improve understanding of the concept of a fair trial under international law, through selected case studies that demonstrate the application of international norms in other jurisdictions.
The toolkit also provides basic knowledge on fair trial standards, with information and links leading to further sources that should open a window on the international law arena. We hope lawyers will keep this toolkit in mind in all their cases and strive to apply Iranian law in a manner consistent with the norms of international human rights law. Lawyers are uniquely positioned to raise awareness of human rights standards. In doing so, they can help enhance both the Rule of Law and the quality of their society.
This toolkit has been developed by several organizations based on the experiences and evaluations of trainings for lawyers in Iran, including by Lawyers for Lawyers and Free Tribune of Lawyers. We welcome your feedback at [email protected] in order to continuously improve and update the toolkit.
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